Friday, May 22, 2009

How does a broken plate feel?

Shattered on the cold clay tile floor, a white circle, woven with cracks and fractures. Jagged edges. Reflection of the incandescent light. A look of dismay. This is what the human eye sees. But how does a broken plate feel? Does it's life flash before it's eyes as it falls towards the cold shining floor? Do memories of meals and dishwashers and the inside of a wooden cubbord race through its mind? And as it lays on that floor, not dead but broken beyond repair, what emotions does a plate have? Feelings of rejection and abuse probably penetrate this plates mind, as would penetrate any broken things mind. And as it's swept up and tossed carelessly into the garbage, it can be certain this poor plate feels unimportant, uncared for, and miserable.

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